The Real World

Colette is trying to finish her PhD and trying not to think about what happens next. Her girlfriend wants to get married – but she also wants to become a vicar, and she can’t do both. Her ex-girlfriend never wanted to get married, but apparently she does now. Her supervisor is more interested in his TV career than in what she’s up to, and, of the two people she could talk to about any of this, one’s two hundred miles away, and the other one’s dead.

Welcome to…

The Real World.

a book to savour. The writing is exquisite, and the characters have depth and realism

Kitty Kat’s Book Review Blog

A most excellent sequel… Grade: A

The Good, the Bad, and the Unread

The Real World is the sequel to Speak Its Name. It has been named as one of the Top 30 LGBTQ Christian books of 2020 at QSpirit.

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