On top of the world

Santiago de Compostela
Well, on top of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, to be precise…


We made it to Santiago, we had a great deal of fun along the way, and I’ll tell you all about it when I’m typing on a proper keyboard.

And I know I said that you wouldn’t be hearing much from me until I got home, but I’ve had some immensely exciting news. In fact, I’ve had to keep it quiet all the way from Ferrol, but I’ve had plenty of other things to keep my mind off it. 1 in 5 gradients, leaking boots, ordering meals without meat in Spanish. That sort of thing.

Today, however, the press release has come out, and I can tell you that I’m the first self-published author to be short-listed for the Betty Trask Prize. I’m absolutely delighted.

6 thoughts on “On top of the world”

  1. I had a message from T about this. Having read the book and loved it, I am so pleased for you! Do the public get a vote? Can someone who’s reviewed it vote? Because if I can vote for you I’m going to 🙂


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